Friday, February 7, 2025

DV Lottery VISA 2025 Requirements DV PHOTO TOOLS

With this App or site you can make a photo meet the requirements for the Diversity Visa Lottery / Green Card Lottery.

The DV Lottery Photo Tool is an addition to our FREE DV-2025 ENTRY Guide.

For many participants the photo that must be uploaded with the Entry Form is the biggest hurdle. No longer !

With this App or site you can to take a photo with your phone or choose a photo already on it, resize, move, crop and make sure your picture meets the requirements of the Diversity Visa Lottery – Green Card Photo – DV2023

if you went to download the app or access to the site you have to scroll down and you get button to download and open

Get the Answer to Your DV Lottery Question

What is green card?

A green card, issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), lets you live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. There are several ways to obtain a green card, including family, employment or status as a refugee, not everyone is eligible, and one of them is the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DV) program (known as the Green Card Lottery. goes).

What is Variety Lottery? how it works?

Each year the DV program issues approximately 50,000 immigrant visas, based on the results of a random drawing. The visa is enforced among countries with historically low rates of immigration for U.S. citizens.

When does DV lottery start?

The online registration period for the DV program usually runs between October 1 and November 3 each year. The sign-up period for the DV-2025 Green Card Lottery begins on October 4, 2023. 12:00pm The US State Department has not yet released registration information about this year’s lottery.
You should register as soon as it opens, as the amount of visas for each country is limited.

Why does the lottery called DV-2025 start in 2023?
Applications will be accepted in October-November 2023, but lottery results will be published in May 2024 and visa processing and issuance will take place only in 2025.

How many visas will be issued in DV-2025? How many people will become winners?
There is still no information from the US State Department, but by law, there are a maximum of 55,000 diversity visas (DVS) available each year. Usually about 110,000 individuals will be selected as winners of the first lottery, and then about half of them will not get a visa for some reason and ultimately about 55,000 visas will be issued.

How many DV-2025 visas are issued for each region and eligible country?
The number of visas issued to natives of each country depends on established territorial limits, how many entrants come from each country, and how many selected entrants are found eligible for the visa. No more than 7% of the total visas available can go to natives of any one country.

Where can I fill the form to participate in the Diversity Lottery?
Applications are accepted only on the official website of the US Department of State: Other services are intermediaries that fill out the forms on your behalf, and use of their services is discouraged by USCIS.

What are my chances of winning?
The chances of winning green card in DV lottery are much higher than winning one lakh in normal lottery. You can find the winning percentage for each country at

What is most important in lottery form?
First of all, remember: don’t lie, write only the truth. Use English letters only.
Country of eligibility.
Note on country of eligibility: You need to select country of birth, not residence.
Make the perfect photo.
Lots of participants fail to provide correct photos. USCIS automatically disqualifies applications that have photographs that do not meet the requirements. There are many requirements and conditions, from background to head size.

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