How to create More Space On Android Delete Duplicates, Memes And Unused Apps Files by Google App
Create more space on your Android phone using the files. By Google app is going to save you. A lot of time and effort, and here is how it works.
Once you open the app you need to give the permissions to your storage And once you accepted the app will go to all files on your device and give you suggestions on how you can create more space.

These suggestions will vary depending on what files you have on your device. And for my device the suggestions are for example look the below picture I can delete junk files on my device and this will free up more than 600 MB straight away. So let’s do it and see the result below

The next suggestion the app is giving me is that my device has some duplicate files and I can actually delete those duplicates to create more space. So these duplicate files are usually created. When you have downloaded a file multiple times and just didn’t know that you did or you forgot to delete them.
To delete all these duplicate files. What you should do it is just have to do is Select all duplicates file on the top option And then you have to just select delete and there we go.

just deleted all duplicate files on my phone. When I use the app on my other phone that I have, I did notice that it also gave me suggestion to delete useless files on this phone. I do not see that suggestion. If you were going to look for meme images on your phone manually, it would have taken you a lot of time and effort, maybe a few hours or more but with files by Google app it’s very very easy. All you have to do is tap those files and delete that’s it. Another suggestion The app has given me is to backup my photos using Google photos to that is something you can do. You can move your images to Google photos and delete them from your device. There are some other power features within the app as well.
For example, here is a suggestion wheel is telling me to delete apps that I haven’t used in the last 4 weeks. And if I delete all those apps, I can create more than 29 GB on my device.

It will also let you know which large files existon your device. In my case is taking 46gb, which is quite a lot and here you will actually need to do a manual review before you delete those files because you might still want to keep those files on your device. The app also features a file browser so you can delete all types of files through the app it self. I think files by Google is it really useful app for all Android users It’s really smart and also saves me a lot of time and effort creating more space on my device.