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How to plan and manage your Money Personal finances RTA

Personal finance involves achieving your monetary objectives. This involves understanding how much money you have in the form of savings, everyday expenses, retirement savings and savings to finance your children’s education and how you can practically plan for these various needs. Every person should plan wisely for a safe life. From budgeting to savings, taxes, insurance, loans and even credit cards, you should plan your income to enjoy a comfortable and stress-free life ahead. In the beginning, you should make a solid list of priorities. If you already have one, you can start investing in a house or a second home. This can be followed with your 2 to 4 year plans till your retirement stage. This type of planning will give you an insight into some areas of unnecessary expenditure, how to reduce them and how to spend the money more wisely. Planning your finances doesn’t mean depriving yourself and your family of any luxuries like an annual vacation. You can plan for such activities too, but the important thing is that you have to start planning in an organized manner. Let us understand the various aspects involved in personal finance planning.

Do you know 

94% of savings in India are in savings bank accounts and fixed deposit accounts and the real returns (after tax) to this large investor class, which is probably unaware of inflation and taxes, is barely 6-7%!

Personal finance

Management of all revenue earned is mandatory for everyone. Most individuals find it difficult to achieve financial stability as they constantly keep themselves busy without thinking about the future.

They find saving or investing intimidating because they do not understand how to invest and what are the benefits of saving. Personal finance involves setting short-term and long-term goals by making viable plans and investing in financial instruments. You can do this by setting aside a specific amount of your monthly salary to invest. You can always seek help from the finance personnel at their office or in your personal chartered account. You can also seek advice from the bank where you have your account. However, you can also increase your knowledge by understanding different schemes or investment policies. Reading books or watching some interesting financial segments telecast on television channels can help you increase your knowledge. There are many informative and educational videos on YouTube as well. This is important because you will understand the advice given to you by bankers or other individuals. Financial literacy plays an important role and helps you make the most practical investment choices. Your sources of finance may include your salary, financial loans, investors, grants and personal savings. Let us now explore the different areas of personal finance.

areas of personal finance

Some of the major areas of personal finance are as follows:

  • Personal Income
  • budget or expenses
  • Savings
  • Investment
  • Security

Personal Income

This includes money earned in job salary, additional bonus, amount received for pension, dividend amount earned on shares.

budgeting or spending

If personal income generates revenue, expenditure is included in the budget or expenditure. Some of these include credit cards, property taxes, rent, monthly bills like electricity, internet, phone recharge, travel, socializing with family or friends, gift giving and charitable donations. Some individuals spend more than they earn, resulting in unnecessary liabilities. Reckless indulgence increases your expenses and is a sign of poor management of your finances.


You can invest in savings in many ways. Some prefer fixed deposits, while others maintain savings accounts with their bank, while many resort to post office savings in India. Some individuals save money in what is known as an emergency fund which they resort to in dire need of cash. Simply saving cash is useless unless you earn some return on it.


Investing in the stock market has become a preferred option in the last few years. Many individuals choose to invest in short and long term mutual funds, government and gold bonds, equity shares, debentures and property. Some individuals invest in commercial properties and rent the premises to receive a fixed amount of money regularly. Some people invest in houses and earn rent on the same. Many people also invest in various commodity items. The elite section of the society chooses to invest in art and other expensive items. However, these are for personal collection.

personal security

Many individuals prefer to invest in different types of insurance policies that help them deal with unexpected situations or contingencies. Some of these include health, car, property, real estate and life insurance.

Personal Finance Planning Process

Once you understand the importance of saving and investing, you need to implement a proper financial process.

The various steps involved in proper implementation of the process are given below:

  • Understand and identify your current monetary situation: The first step is to isolate your financial situation at the present time. You can involve your entire family so that they can understand it too. You can tally all the details on your immovable and movable assets, various revenue sources, outstanding loans and current liabilities. These details will help you understand your current financial position.
  • Identify, categorize, and prioritize family goals: Discuss each individual goal of your family members. List each member’s goals in order of priority so that everyone understands what needs to be accomplished and what finances are necessary for that specific goal. This will help you separate short term from long term goals.
  • Find out the monetary gap: Once you understand the immediate and future goals and the number of finances required to fulfill them, you will be able to identify how much you need from your various investments to meet those goals. .
  • Create a practical and timely monetary planning strategy: Do a good analysis of all your investments, whether in stocks or other options and find out which particular one will mature with the funding of your short-term plans This will give you an insight into the amount of money you can achieve from meeting your short-term priority goals.
  • Frequent review of your financial plan: You cannot make a lump sum financial plan and sit back. You will have to constantly review the financial plan. There may be economic turmoil and unexpected instability, which may require changes in your goals and investments. This may delay the accomplishment of some of your immediate objectives.

personal finance management

Personal finance management involves a deliberate process of consistent saving and a practical budget plan to meet your miscellaneous expenses. You have to manage your revenue to set multiple goals, whether they involve funding higher studies for your children or investing in property or saving for your golden years. Once you are clearly aware of your goals, you will be able to manage your savings and investments in the most systematic way.

Budgeting for your goals involves understanding the amount of regular income you receive, how you allocate it to daily expenses and how much you need to allocate to achieve your short and long-term goals.

However, constant monitoring of its goals and the financial condition of the economy is essential. You can maintain an Excel sheet and use formulas to maintain the details or use professional software. This will help you understand the volume of revenue flow, your investments, gaps (if any) and fulfillment of your objectives.


This article makes it clear to you what is involved in personal finance and its management. It helps you understand the importance of proper planning of your finances so that you can budget for your expenses as well as your short-term and long-term goals. Financial literacy is important for every person as it allows you to plan wisely and helps you understand wasteful expenses that can be avoided in the future. Proper financial planning enables you to secure the life of yourself and your family members. 
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frequently Asked question

Q: What are some personal finance tips?


Some valuable tips include:

  • Wise use of the returns that you earn in the form of interest or dividends on your various investments
  • Maintain and monitor your income and investments regularly
  • Plan short-term and long-term goals for yourself and your family on a priority basis
  • Ensure timely payment of all your loans
  • Plans for your retirement

Question: What does personal finance management mean?


The careful strategy of saving some money from your regular income and how to budget for your expenses is known as personal finance management.

Question: What is personal finance?


Your personal finances include the various sources of revenue you receive and the amounts you invest regularly. It also covers how you budget for your expenses, pay for your insurance policies, if any, and pay for your loans and mortgage.

Question: What is financial planning?


A financial plan is a well-thought-out document that lists the details of your current financial situation, including your revenue inflows and cash outflows. It details your short-term and long-term goals, the amount of your current debts and your current investments.

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