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Make Money Online Get Passive income 12 ways

Have you ever heard of the possibility of generating passive income ? If you are up to date on digital marketing and business issues, perhaps you have ever come across this proposal.

We usually assume that the idea of ​​living off this type of income is the panacea. However, that is not the case.

Obtaining passive and profitable sources of income requires technical or business knowledge, a large amount of time and work invested in it, and the need to monitor the results obtained to implement possible improvements.

In this article we will delve into what is considered passive income and talk about its pros and cons. In addition, we will give you a series of ideas on how to start generating passive income.

But, before we get into trouble, let’s start with the most basic: what is passive income?

What is meant by passive income?

Passive income is income that comes from assets that generate money automatically.

That is, once they have been launched, they are capable of generating income automatically.

For example, the recurring income you receive through investing in cryptocurrencies, stocks or through real estate rentals. These options require a high investment and are not models that can be launched without the Internet.

However, passive income can also be generated online with little or no investment. For example, creating an online course, a book in different formats or a template to create a website. And these are precisely what we are going to focus on in this article.

Later, we will give you a few examples of products or services that allow you to generate passive income on a recurring basis.

Eye! That this income is generated automatically does not mean that it does not involve a lot of work until the moment of its launch and subsequent commercialization.

Furthermore, once launched, they will require certain maintenance and improvement tasks to remain profitable.

What are the advantages of generating passive income ?

This way of obtaining an extra source of income is very attractive, especially for those who have greater knowledge in terms of business and digital marketing.

Among the main benefits associated with assets or services that provide income passively, it stands out that:

  • They are additional sources of income, perfectly compatible with other work.
  • They provide greater financial freedom.
  • As they do not require a physical location or schedule, they are perfect for having no ties and, for example, working while traveling.
  • Once launched, they operate practically on autopilot.

However, they also have a less beneficial side:

  • They do not usually report income in the short term, it is a long-distance race. In fact, it may take months – and even years – until we start to see the return of our work.
  • They generally require a large initial investment of time.
  • There are highly exploited market niches, so it is sometimes difficult to find a less popular one.

12 profitable ways to generate passive income online

Next, we are going to see 12 ideas to create sources of passive income from home on a recurring basis and how to generate them.

  • Invest in domains
  • Write a book, e-book or audiobook
  • Create an online course
  • Join affiliate marketing
  • Monetize your blog content
  • Earn money with Youtube
  • Develop a dropshipping model
  • Banks of images, music or graphic resources
  • Create downloadable templates
  • Develop web templates
  • Purchase and sale of domains
  • Generate passive income thanks to crowdlending

Let’s go there!

Invest in domains

Do you know that you can buy domains as an investment? Buying and selling web domains may not be the best-known way to make money online, but if you know how to do it, it can be very profitable.

To do this, you must know:

  • What domains can be a good investment.
  • Buy them at a good price.
  • Know when to sell them to obtain a good return.

In this video from The Journey we tell you how to do it successfully:

Write a book, e-book or audiobook

Currently, you can also choose between three different formats: printed book, e-book and audiobook.

Additionally, to publish a book you can choose between 2 different options:

  • Go to a publisher that is in charge of the process.
  • Self-publish your book, taking care of the printing and dissemination process.

Today, anyone can self-publish their book. That is, without having the support of a publisher you can perfectly distribute your publication.

Make money with a book

It is true that, if you do not have a previous community, it is more difficult to reach a mass audience without the dissemination that an editorial label provides.

However, you will be able to write your content and promote it on your own. Additionally, your profit margin from the sale will be higher.

In any case, you must keep in mind that writing a book requires advanced writing skills, meticulous and constant work. Write, read and reread, edit and read again…

The main advantage is that, if the content does not become obsolete, you will be able to obtain recurring income for years once it has been published.

However, you should keep in mind that the income level is not too high.

Create an online course

If you are a specialist in a certain subject or field, why not create an online course that can help your clients?

It is true that the online course market is a bit saturated, especially after the health crisis due to COVID-19.

However, if your niche is yet to be exploited or you think that existing training does not provide much value, go for it!

Choose a topic, research your sector, develop a training plan and choose the format of your course. Will it be in video, in PDF or will it combine both resources?

Furthermore, when selling an online course you can choose two different options:

  • Sell ​​it from your own website, in which case it is necessary to create a customer area, upload the contents, etc. But, in exchange, you will have absolute control of the platform and the database, and you will avoid third-party commissions.
  • Use a third-party platform such as Hotmart or Udemy. In this case, you do not need to carry out any development but, in exchange, you do not have contact with the users and you have to deduct the commission from your profits.

Join affiliate marketing

These strategies seek to promote the sale of a certain product or service through an affiliate program .

Thus, the brand that develops it increases its notoriety and improves the results obtained. In turn, affiliates earn a commission for each sale made through their channels.

To become an affiliate, you have several options:

  • Create a website or a blog, position its contents properly and recommend a specific product. For example, create a pet blog and create articles in which you recommend products for dogs – always with an associated affiliate link. A widely used platform in this case, given that it is very widespread in user purchases, is Amazon.
  • Join the affiliate program of a company in your niche. Thus, you will be able to make recommendations of said brand on a social network where you have a large community. For example, including an affiliate link in your YouTube videos or giving a discount code to your followers through Instagram.

Monetize your blog content

In addition to affiliate programs or hosting online courses, you can monetize your blog thanks to advertising.

Adsense ads are another of the most common sources to generate passive income through your blog.

Depending on the theme of your content and the user profile, Google will include ads within your publications.

As a blogger, you will earn income every time a user clicks on one of the advertising banners. That is, they are actions that are paid at CPC -cost per click-.

In this case, to obtain an acceptable volume of income it is necessary to have a large volume of visits.

In addition, the income you receive will also depend on the clicks these advertising banners receive and how the theme of your blog is remunerated – not all of them receive the same advertising formats or are paid the same.

The advantage is that if you have a topic that is well paid and you publish content that is not obsolete, you will be able to obtain passive income on a recurring basis.

If you want to create your blog, check out our web hosting and WordPress hosting plans.

Earn money with Youtube

If you have a YouTube channel, you can also generate passive income thanks to advertising.

To do this, in addition to having a linked Google Adsense account, you must meet certain requirements of the YouTube partner program :

  • More than 4,000 hours of viewing the videos on your channel in the last 12 months.
  • A channel with at least 1,000 subscribers.
  • Create content suitable for potential advertisers.

The income you earn will depend on both the type of ad that plays in your videos and the time it is played. Additionally, you must take into account the level of competition that exists in your niche.

How to generate passive income from YouTube

As with blog content, YouTube videos can bring you recurring income as long as you have a large and loyal audience on your channel. And, of course, as long as they are well positioned for the keyword they are attacking.

Develop a dropshipping model

Dropshipping is a business model that consists of selling third-party products on an online platform .

In this case, the seller is solely responsible for the sale of the product. The wholesale company will be responsible for its manufacturing, storage and distribution.

In this way, the seller obtains a profit margin for each sale made through their platform.

However, it is true that the creator of the online sales platform also has no control over the efficiency when processing orders and making shipments.

It is true that this strategy is not a completely passive way to generate income. However, it requires simple maintenance once it is well positioned and you have a high number of visits.

Banks of images, music or graphic resources

If you make videos, photographs, are a musician or musician or dedicate yourself to the world of illustration or graphic design, why not make a living off of copyrights?

Thus, for each download or sale made in this Marketplace, its author obtains financial compensation.

Create downloadable templates

If you are in the field of graphic design, and even if you are an Excel specialist, you can develop downloadable templates that solve a specific topic for users.

For example, a template that is useful when making a budget or designing a calendar for a brand.

Once launched, you must promote them to obtain recurring income in exchange for their downloads.

Develop web templates

If you are a web developer, why not create a template?

Thus, you will be able to obtain financial compensation every time a user wants to download it to install it on their website.

Passive income for web developers

Purchase and sale of domains

Registering a free domain that may be in high demand in the future is a way to generate income passively.

To do this, all you have to do is find the right domain and register it at the right time.

If, over time, it is in high demand, perhaps you can sell it at a high price simply because you registered it on time.

Generate passive income thanks to crowdlending

 Crowdlending is a practice that consists of making P2P or P2B loans through digital platforms.

Generally, these loans are made with an interest rate that ranges between 3 and 15%. Therefore, it can be a good source to generate passive income. Of course, it is not without risks.

Currently there are a few online platforms that facilitate these actions. For example, Mintos, Bondora or Crowdestor.

Do you already know how to generate your first passive income without practically investing money?

As you can see, there are many ways to earn recurring income through the Internet, without requiring a constant effort of time or an exorbitant financial investment.

In addition to online businesses, digital products and investments in online platforms, there are many other ways to generate sources of passive income. For example, renting an asset, investing in the stock market or through cryptocurrencies.

Analyze your profile, take into account how much time you can dedicate to the project, and get to work! Do you already know what your next project will be to generate passive income?

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